Introducing CHROMIE

03 Jun 2024

Hey there, art lovers! Have you met our new mascot, Chromie? Chromie is a lively Carolina Anole who perfectly embodies the spirit of Hub City Art. You might be wondering, why "Chromie"? Well, let me paint you a picture!First off, the name Chromie is a playful nod to the word "chromatic," which relates to color.…


Hey there, art lovers! Have you met our new mascot, Chromie? Chromie is a lively Carolina Anole who perfectly embodies the spirit of Hub City Art. You might be wondering, why “Chromie”? Well, let me paint you a picture!

First off, the name Chromie is a playful nod to the word “chromatic,” which relates to color. And let’s face it, color is at the heart of everything we do here at Hub City Art. Whether it’s the vibrant hues of a local artist’s canvas, the colorful characters in our community, or the dynamic events that bring Spartanburg to life, color is everywhere. Chromie, with his ability to change colors, is the perfect symbol of our ever-evolving and vibrant art scene here in Spartanburg.

Now, why an anole? These little guys are all over Spartanburg, bringing a dash of green (or brown, depending on their mood) to our gardens and walls. Anoles are known for their adaptability and resilience, traits that mirror the spirit of our local art scene. Just like Chromie can shift his colors, our artists constantly evolve, experiment, and transform, bringing new shades and perspectives to our community.

But Chromie isn’t just about color; he’s also about connection. Just like Spartanburg was once a hub of railroads, making it the “Hub City,” we aim to be the central point for all things arts and culture. Chromie is here to remind us that, like the anole, we thrive when we adapt, connect, and embrace the vibrant palette of life around us.

Oh, and here’s something cool—sometimes you’ll see Chromie sporting colors you wouldn’t typically find on a Carolina Anole. These vibrant blues, oranges, and reds are a bit of artistic license, symbolizing the artistic diversity and vibrancy within our community. Chromie’s colorful transformations remind us that art transcends boundaries, drawing inspiration from a world of colors.

So next time you see Chromie, remember that he’s not just a cool lizard—he’s a symbol of the colorful, creative, and ever-adapting spirit of Spartanburg. Let’s celebrate the hues, tones, and shades that make our community so unique. Welcome to the colorful world of Hub City Art, where Chromie is our guide!