Recent Articles

Bailie’s Train Mural

On the side of Chef Ae's, 288 Magnolia St, Spartanburg, SC 29306

Whispered Tales from the Palette of Henri Matisse

What happened to summer? How did August tiptoe away? Summer is lovely. But, candidly, autumn…

The Enduring Relevance of Juried Art Competitions in Today’s Art World

In the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary art, where digital platforms and social media channels dominate,…

Hey there, art lovers! Welcome to our little corner of the world where we dive deep into the vibrant and ever-evolving art scene of our amazing city, Spartanburg SC, 34.9496°N, 81.9320°W. Whether you’re an artist, a collector, or just someone who loves to bask in the creative energy, you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to uncover hidden gems, celebrate local talent, and keep you in the loop about all the cool exhibitions, street art, and creative events happening around town.

Think of us as your artsy friends who always have the scoop on the latest gallery openings, underground art shows, and everything in between. We believe that art isn’t just something to look at—it’s something to experience, to feel, and to be inspired by. So, grab a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine), kick back, and join us as we explore the artistic heartbeat of our Spartanburg together. Let’s get inspired and support the incredible artists who make our city so beautifully unique.

What can you expect from Hub City Art?

What it's all about!

We’ve got some exciting things in the works here at Hub City Art, and we just couldn’t wait to share a sneak peek with you! Our team is hard at work curating the best of Spartanburg’s vibrant arts scene, and we’ve got a lineup of features that’ll make your creative heart skip a beat.